Sunday, February 5, 2012

Still Not Procrastinating... Honest

That said, I just dropped in to let the exactly zero people world who read my blog, that I haven't fallen off the wagon.  I am, admittedly, hanging on with fingernails.

I am getting back on track with grading, got some of my thesis actually written (!), and have met with my committee to revise and readjust scope.

I have also resorted to bribing The Boy to help me clean the house (a copy of Minecraft + $20) and rearrange the furniture. I also adjusted the budget so that I will be eating oatmeal and peanut butter for the rest of the month, but I washed all my clothes and bedclothes at the laundromat, and sent my shirts to the cleaners so they could be ironed.

I **DO** have a more regular (free!) laundry arrangement, but the amount of laundry I had today would have been taking advantage of that particular situation. Since I will NEED that situation for the rest of the month, I had no desire to wear out my welcome.

As for the shirts... COULD I have ironed them? Yes. Could I have done it for a heck of a lot less than I am paying? Absolutely. I am trying to free up time in my life though so I can spend time on this dang thesis, and I am not having any luck with the "not sleeping" thing.

I even resorted to ordering the cat's wet food and his kitty litter from Amazon. I can't decide if that is shameful or practical as heck. I'm going to argue that at this point in my life, it doesn't freaking matter.

On top of the usual "no time to breathe", I managed to go in for a dental cleaning, and came out with an emergency root canal, antibiotics, pain pills, and not a whole lot accomplished this week. I did sleep. Like. A. Log. But didn't get a whole lot done otherwise.

That said, the dentist gave me a Novocaine injection, and the nearly constant pain that I've had going on - went away! It was total magic... so magic I was going to sleep in the dental chair, during a root canal. Exhaustion + pain relief = Sleep.

So, I am caught up with online grading, stats grading, and have at least a lesson plan in place for tomorrow. Still need to get up in the morning and write a lecture. This whole teaching thing was easier when I didn't use PowerPoints - sigh. Yes. I caved to student pressure to produce them. At least now, I will have them in place for next term.

That's good, right?

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